What bloomed in August?


Autumn gentian

Autumn gentian

August brought drier weather but there were plenty of flowers in bloom especially on the chalkier  grasslands. However, there were also some beautiful later flowering wetland species plus a good sprinkling of arable flowering weeds. This year has been exceptional for the sheer quantity of flowering plants but my favourite this year has to be the Autumn gentian. I had collected some seed many years ago from a roadside, it was a tiny amount and, to be honest, I had given up thinking I’d ever see it grow on the Wimpole chalk grasslands but… there it was, with hundreds and hundreds of other ones by the Folly – it seems this spot was a good choice for this species.

About Sadeik

You may ask why "Sadeik" well it means friend in arabic. Worked in Jordan a lot doing tree surgery you see. I have worked in forestry since I left school with a two years in Telecom. Went back to forestry and tree surgery as it may not have paid as much but was far more interesting and dangerous. Spent a lot of years mountaineering, caving and canoeing too. At 29 I went to Bangor University to study Forestry and soil science then did an MSc in Water engineering all very interesting. By a quirk of fate in 1995 ended up helping sort out the woodland and park at Wimpole, funny thing was then I only intended to stay six months or so, but 18 years later I'm still here learning all the time. That's the best bit, if I wasn't able to learn something new every year I would not have stayed and as you get older you realise that the grass is not so green in the next field after all. In fact my patch is getting greener while much of the rest is getting browner.
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3 Responses to What bloomed in August?

  1. graemeu says:

    Blooming great.
    Tresal? Is that what I know as teasel? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dipsacus


  2. You have done an amazing job of reintroducing and increasing the numbers of wild flowers at Wimpole 🙂


  3. This gentian just began at the end of August and is blooming strongly now.

    Enter At Your Own Risk…Gentiana asclepiadea

    What might you find inside? Only you will know.

    Enzian::your choice


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